Tool Reviews by "Popular Woodworking" Magazine in Feb. Issue of 2024

Customer Testimonials
We have been servicing the woodworking community of North America since 2015, with our premier CNC-machined tooling. Below are some testimonials from the happy customers:
"... I have purchased six cutterheads from WGM TOOLWORKS. GREAT cutter heads at a very reasonable price. I have been very satisfied with the cutter heads I have one in a Powematic 225 planer one a Powematic 180 planer one in a Delta RJ 42 jointer two in Grizzly G1021 planers one in a 8 inch Jet jointer they all give a very smooth finish. My latest cutter is for a Porter cable 653 versa plane can't wait to see how it does. Sam Guo at WGM Toolworks provides great customer service the longest I had to wait for a cutter was 4 weeks fast service with a great product." - Charles S.
"...Wow, Precision machining. Very professional, top class product and business. Recommended!" - Rick R.
"...Cutter head fit machine perfectly. Works great and seems to be well built." - Jason D.
You may see more anonymous feedback by our happy customers through our top-rated (100% satisfaction) Ebay store:
Cutterheads in Operation
Vintage Powermatic 100, 12" Planer
Vintage Powermatic 50, 6" Jointer